April 29, 2024

Encyclopedia Articles

1) “Élie Halévy” in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (N.Y: Macmillan, 1968).

2) “Lord Lindsay of Birker,” in IESS.

3) “Montesquieu,” in IESS.

4) “The Political Philosophy of the Constitution and the Federalist ” in M. Saporta, ed., 1’Encyclopédie comparée (Paris: Robert Laffont, 1968).

5) “The History of the Concept of Despotism,” in Dictionary of the History of Ideas

(5 vols; N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1973).

6) “Absolutism,” in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought, ed. David Miller (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987). French translation in Dictionnaire de la Pensée

Politique: Hommes et Idées (Paris: Hatier, 1989).

7) “Despotism,” in Blackwell Encyclopedia; French translation in Dictionnaire de la Pensée Politique.

8) “T.H. Green,” in Blackwell Encyclopedia; French translation in Dictionnaire de la Pensée Politique.

9) “Begriffsgschichte,” in A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing, D. R. Woolf (N.Y.: Garland Publishing Co, 1998).

10) “Reinhart Koselleck,” in A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing

11) “Alexis de Tocqueville,” in A Multicultural Dictionary, eds. Bettina Knapp and Alba Amoiah (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2000).

12) “The Comparative Study of Regimes and Societies in Eighteenth-Century Europe,”

in The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought. eds., Mark Goldie and Robert Wokler, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp.147-171.